
Monologue of Universal Transverse Mercator: Egg Man 2009

Monologue of Universal Transverse Mercator: Egg Man 2009

A psychopathic killer known as Egg Man has been caught, incarcerated and is awaiting his death sentence. Karen, a beautiful and brave police woman, is assigned to the "Egg Man" case to find the whereabouts of a missing dead body. Egg Man meets his cellmate, Prisoner 205. Who is Prisoner 205? Is Prisoner 205 another in-mate awaiting his death sentence as well or an android utilized by the police to collect information about him and his knowledge of the corpse? Who is really manipulating whom?

Movie Stats

  • Original Title独白するユニバーサル横メルカトル Egg Man
  • Runtime42 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageJA
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.002
  • Production Companies
    • Also known as
      • Dokuhaku Suru Universal Yoko Mercator Egg Man
    • GenresAnimation, Horror
    Some movie data courtesy of tMDB
    Physical media data courtesy of