
They Slay

They Slay

Longtime friends Raemee, Maggie and Lee come together for an annual Halloween hang-out at Lee’s house. Things are different this year when Maggie's new partner, Sam, and Lee’s younger sibling, Charlie, join the group. When they reignite their tradition of playing with a spirit board, they accidentally invite a supernatural being to join in the party. Uncomfortable truths rise to the surface and things take a dark turn, calling into question if the friendships will survive the night- or if the friends will survive at all.

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleThey Slay
  • Runtime--
  • StatusIn Production
  • Original LanguageEN
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.521
  • Production Companies
    • GenresHorror, Comedy
    • External Links

    Keywords (1)

    Some movie data courtesy of tMDB
    Physical media data courtesy of