
Terror 2000Terror 2000Terror 2000Terror 2000Terror 2000Terror 2000

Terror 2000 1992

Terror 2000 1992

Springtime for Hitler... Again?

Germany, right after the re-unification. The people are out of control, blind hatred towards immigrants is common sense. In this time, a social-worker, with the mission to bring a Polish family to their destination (an immigration camp in a little provincial town called Rassau), gets kidnapped just as the family. Chief inspector Koern and his girl-friend start to investigate in this matter in Rassau, exploring a world of obsessive sex, mislead lust and an over-whelming irrational love to the German nation, infiltrating anyone's mind. Rascism doesn't start with shaved hair and boots but rather in the middle of society itself...


Movie Stats

  • Original TitleTerror 2000 - Intensivstation Deutschland
  • Runtime79 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageDE
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.459
  • Production Companies
    • DEM
    • NDR (Germany)
    • WDR (Germany)
  • GenresComedy, Horror
  • External Links

Keywords (6)

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