
Mühr-ü Musallat 2: Yasak Düğün 2023

Mühr-ü Musallat 2: Yasak Düğün 2023

Nilgün, who is in the process of getting married, should not get married because her family was haunted by a jinn three generations ago. However, Nilgün sees such events as superstition and does not listen to what is said to her and gets married. Before long, Nilgün's life turns into a nightmare. Nilgün and her family find themselves on a mystical and dangerous journey after the events that have been experienced, convinced by the advice of Cennet, an old magician, that someone nicknamed 'Blind Hodja' intervenes in the situation.

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleMühr-ü Musallat 2: Yasak Düğün
  • Runtime110 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageTR
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.304
  • Production Companies
    • Happiness Factory
  • GenresHorror
  • External Links
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