
Werewolf Santa 2023

Werewolf Santa 2023

Season's eatings

Lucy has a social media channel where she hunts evidence of actual monsters, but it’s not doing great, with just a few viewers following her disappointing posts. Everything changes on Christmas Eve when her camera witnesses Santa getting bitten by a werewolf before he turns lycanthrope himself! As Werewolf Santa starts wreaking bloody havoc in their seaside town, Lucy and her bickering family set off on a madcap adventure armed with a rusty skate and a vague understanding of how to kill werewolves gained from her collection of horror comics. The Beast must die to save Christmas!


Movie Stats

  • Original TitleWerewolf Santa
  • Runtime71 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageEN
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.112
  • Production Companies
    • The Haunted Cinema (United Kingdom)
  • Also known as
    • Frost Bite (Working Title)
  • GenresHorror
  • External Links

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