
Well Shark

  • Director:

Well Shark

Team members Nishikawa, Momoka and Natstume, of “Psychic Investigations Big Summer” (PIBS), investigate supernatural phenomena and tales of the occult. They receive a video filmed at a haunted location, which shows a pair of media influencers filming a deserted, ancient stone well, and a shark-like monster that emerges and attacks the woman! PIBS begins an investigation of the tape, seeking info on the creature while they assist they search for the now missing influences. However, they find the local villagers won’t reveal the mysterious well’s location. PIBS digs deeper, but as they uncover clues and get closer to the cursed spot, they too are attacked by the shark. They escape, but things take a twist when Natsume becomes possessed by a supernatural spirit.


Movie Stats

  • Original TitleWell Shark
  • Runtime90 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageEN
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.001
  • Production Companies
    • SRS Cinema
  • Also known as
    • Ring Shark
  • GenresComedy, Horror
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