
Portraits of Death 2011

Portraits of Death 2011

Renowned photographer Nathan Smythe has come up with what he believes will be his greatest work yet, a book devoted entirely to artful pictures of beautiful young men dying or just at the moment of death. And so, with the help of his assistant Jasper he begins photographing models hanging, shot by arrows, as gladiators dying in the arena, as victims of strangulations, as street toughs losing knife fights, etc. Only problem is, Nathan, Jasper, and new assistant Zachary are all psychopaths whose fascination with death and killing goes way beyond mere art. And, really, just who is manipulating who? It becomes hard to tell as we journey down the ever-darker path to full-on insanity with these three killers and their hapless victims.

Part of the Dead Guys Collection

Movie Stats

  • Original TitlePortraits of Death
  • Runtime--
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageEN
  • Budget$150,000
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.399
  • Production Companies
    • Dead Guys Cinema (United States)
  • Also known as
    • Dead Guys: Portraits of Death
  • GenresHorror
  • Release Dates (US)
    • September 1, 2011Theatrical
  • External Links
Some movie data courtesy of tMDB
Physical media data courtesy of