
The Blood Countess

The Blood Countess

The Blood Countess and her maid take us on a wild hunt for blood and secrets from times gone by. On their adventurous journey, they desperately search for the precious lifeblood while also uncovering the dark history of their ancestors. But suddenly a mysterious book appears that poses a threat to their vampire kingdom. As they are pursued by their vegetarian nephew, his psychotherapist, two vampirologists and a tenacious police inspector and his assistant, things spiral out of control.

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleDie Blutgräfin
  • Runtime100 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageDE
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.041
  • Production Companies
    • Amour Fou Vienna (Austria)
    • Amour Fou Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
  • GenresHorror, Drama
  • External Links

Keywords (2)

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