
DISENCHANTMENT: sometimes i feel like the shit, but now i feel like im shit :(

DISENCHANTMENT: sometimes i feel like the shit, but now i feel like im shit :(

Vigo is enchanted, magical creatures live along its streets. Two stories: in the first one, a psychic tries to help her friend who has a degenerative curse, who can die if she comes into contact with the light. In the other story, an invisible man who is an intern in a paranormal detective company investigates a ghost that appears at night in the streets of Vigo, while he meets a tweetstar who thinks about suicide, because every day he gets more and more tired.

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleDESENCANTO: ás veces síntome o puto amo, pero hoxe só me sinto un puto :(
  • Runtime27 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageGL
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.006
  • Production Companies
    • CANTAM808
  • GenresDrama, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
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