
The Misadventures of Dracula Von Barreto in the Lands of the Agrarian ReformThe Misadventures of Dracula Von Barreto in the Lands of the Agrarian Reform

The Misadventures of Dracula Von Barreto in the Lands of the Agrarian Reform 1977

  • Released: January 1, 1977
  • Director:

The Misadventures of Dracula Von Barreto in the Lands of the Agrarian Reform 1977

To the tune of "A terra a quem a trabalha", an Alentejo peasant girl is attacked by a vampire but rescued afterwards by workers and peasants armed with sickles and hammers. Filmed during the 1977 Festa do Avante, with a collective of participants linked to cinema and theatre, this film is a critique of the legislative process led by António Barreto, Minister of Agriculture between 1976-1978, which put an end to the agrarian reform occupations.

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleAs Desventuras do Drácula Von Barreto nas Terras da Reforma Agrária
  • Runtime7 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguagePT
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.03
  • Production Companies
    • Célula de Cinema do Partido Comunista Português (Portugal)
  • Also known as
    • As Desventuras do Drácula Von Barreto
  • GenresComedy, Horror
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