
Horror ExpressHorror Express

Horror Express

Horror Express

Joo Hyunjoo, a YouTuber who operates the channel “Horror Express”, manipulates sensational “supernatural phenomena” to create fake streaming contents. For her, who has to take care of her unemployed younger brother, Hyunsoo, and his girlfriend, Kim Soyeon, after his military discharge, “fear” is the family business and the only source of income. Dreaming of the day she receives the Silver Button, she rushes to any spooky location, be it an abandoned school, hospital, or motel. People say she’s fearless. Joo Hyunjoo thinks the real terror is money.

Movie Stats

  • Original Title공포특급
  • Runtime90 min
  • StatusPost Production
  • Original LanguageKO
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.259
  • Production Companies
    • GenresHorror
    Some movie data courtesy of tMDB
    Physical media data courtesy of