
Anjaam 1978

Anjaam 1978

Wealthy Dinanath is the new owner of a mansion, which is looked after by Totaram and his wife, Maina. He soon discovers that there is a room kept under lock under key, and no one has ever been inside. He is in for more surprises when the previous owner's wife, Vidya, decides to come and live there, and shares the story of her life - how she loses her husband, Thakur, and how her son, Sunil, became a fugitive from justice - but has little explanation to offer for the ghostly female figure that haunts this mansion.

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleAnjaam
  • Runtime100 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageHI
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.008
  • Production Companies
    • GenresMystery, Horror
    • External Links

    Keywords (1)

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