
Throwaway 2008

Throwaway 2008

Abby is new to Los Angeles. She takes a job working the graveyard shift at a home security company as an operator. With such a tough schedule, she spends her days like a vampire, sleeping while the sun is up. This rotation gets disturbed, however, when Abby is repeatedly awoken each day by the sounds of a Bum rummaging through her apartment's dumpster (which rests directly outside her bedroom window). When Abby decides she's had enough, she confronts the Bum in the hopes of negotiating for some daily solace. Only the Bum has other plans for Abby that have nothing to do with a little spare change.

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleThrowaway
  • Runtime14 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageEN
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.002
  • Production Companies
    • Parallactic Pictures
  • GenresHorror
  • Release Dates (US)
    • January 1, 2008Theatrical
  • External Links
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