
Birds of a Feather 2000

Birds of a Feather 2000

Who will save poor Mary?

Mary is convinced that her husband Henry is trying to kill her! For the last few days he changed a lot and became aggressive, shouting obscenities and menacing her. Mary found comfort in the hands of Carl, the husband of her friend Dolores who happens to be out on vacation. After Henry leaves for god knows where, Mary calls Carl and asks him to come by, which he agreed to do as he was aware that she is frightened. A few minutes later the door bell rings but its not Carl but his wife Dolores. It looks like she decided to come back sooner...

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleBirds of a Feather
  • Runtime15 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageEN
  • Budget$2,000
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.017
  • Production Companies
    • Horror Business Productions
  • GenresHorror
  • Release Dates (US)
    • January 1, 2000New York Film Festival (Theatrical)
  • External Links
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