
Alucardos: Portrait of a Vampire 2011

Alucardos: Portrait of a Vampire 2011

Terror, transsexualism, and an eternal cult film. What is on the mind of horror film director Juan López Moctezuma and his fans, Manolo and Lalo, who are not only obsessed with the Mexican horror film 'Alucarda', but also believe in their hearts that they are its true characters? After finding the director in a psychiatric hospital, they kidnap him to make him remember his gloriously twisted past. An unclassifiable documentary film that uses interviews, stock shots and recreations of a past that may only have existed in the nightmares of its protagonists.


Movie Stats

  • Original TitleAlucardos: Retrato de un Vampiro
  • Runtime88 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageES
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.214
  • Production Companies
    • Consejo Nacional para la cultura y las artes (Mexico)
    • Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (Mexico)
    • Fondo para la Producción Cinematográfica de Calidad (Mexico)
    • Oniria Films
  • Also known as
    • Alucardos, retrato de un vampiro
  • GenresDocumentary, Horror
  • External Links
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