
La Sangre de Frankenstein 2002

La Sangre de Frankenstein 2002

A Hellish Journey to Nowhere

Dr. Frankenstein is pursued by the ex-policeman Avio, who knows that he murders people for his experiments. Avio is assisted by Marilyn Manson, who works for him, but they know that the police, the government, and the elite are supporting Dr. Frankenstein. That's why they must be careful when facing this psychopath and his henchmen. In the end, everything will be resolved in an extensive mystical battle, which includes kung fu, lightning, and dismemberment.

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleLa Sangre de Frankenstein
  • Runtime74 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageES
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.372
  • Production Companies
    • Gorevisión Films (Argentina)
  • Also known as
    • LSD Frankenstein
    • LSD Frankenstein: El hijo de Mengele
  • GenresComedy, Horror
  • External Links
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