
Beneath a Dead Moon 2014

Beneath a Dead Moon 2014

Indie horror anthology includes tales of the grandson of Dr. Jeckell making a strange breakthrough with a strange visitor; a nerdy office worker under the black magic spell of a wolf woman, a future war between vampires and humans and the lengths that each side will go to to win; sexy Krystal, her tattoo, and the impatient artist; a blind date goes monstrously wrong; Ranger Cody faces Bigfoot when his girlfriend and pal are put in peril; and the schlocky craziness of The Eyeball of Fear!

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleBeneath a Dead Moon
  • Runtime--
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageEN
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.011
  • Production Companies
    • GenresHorror
    • Release Dates (US)
      • January 1, 2014Theatrical

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