
Subway Serial Rape 1985

  • Released: May 22, 1985
  • Director: Shūji Kataoka

Subway Serial Rape 1985

A man with a briefcase is being pursued by a small yakuza gang. After abandoning his vehicle, the man boards a train where he and the other passengers watch a woman being assaulted by three thugs. Intimidated, the commuters do nothing to help. Later, the victim reports the incident to the police and a witness finally comes forward. When the man hears about rape on the news he takes steps to protect his identity and begins to track the victim.

Movie Stats

  • Original Title地下鉄連続レイプ
  • Runtime62 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageJA
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.214
  • Production Companies
    • Shishi Production (Japan)
  • Also known as
    • Chikatetsu renzoku reipu
    • Subway Serial Rape (translation)
  • GenresDrama, Crime, Horror
  • External Links

Keywords (3)

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