
Fatal Obsession 1994

Fatal Obsession 1994

Cheung was the leading dancer in a dance team. She was too devoted to her dancing practices and frequently left her boy-friend Franky alone. This made happen a love affair between Franky and another female dancer Clara, who was also Cheung's room-mate. Franky decided to break-up with Cheung, but knowing that this will affect her public performance, Franky promised Clara to tell Cheung the truth after the performance. The complicated relationship of the three was discovered by the stage director of the dance team. Tat Ming always told Cheung to spare more time for Franky but Cheung just ignored his words. On the birthday of Cheung, the four went out for fun and accidentally ran into a corpse home after a car crash. This haunted place gave Cheung the chance to discover the relationship between Franky and Clara. However, Cheung pretended as usual at the very beginning and soon she figured out a plan for revenge. ..

Movie Stats

  • Original Title入魔
  • Runtime93 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageCN
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.071
  • Production Companies
    • Full Country Entertainment Development Ltd.
    • Golden Power Productions (Hong Kong SAR China)
  • Also known as
    • 入魔 (恐怖)
  • GenresHorror
  • External Links
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