
In a Thicket 1996

  • Released: May 18, 1996
  • Director: Hisayasu Satô

In a Thicket 1996

Sato's re-imagining of In a Grove, on which Rashomon was based. In this version, instead of a web of lies and agendas, we get a web of desires, perversions like incest, and occult phenomenon like an oracle-demon, hallucinations, and human sacrifice. Once again, the story starts with a detective trying to unravel the story of a man and a woman encountering a bandit-rapist in the woods, but the real story keeps turning out to be unfathomable as layer upon layer of strange motives and events keep turning up.

Movie Stats

  • Original Title藪の中
  • Runtime88 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageJA
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.106
  • Production Companies
    • Image Factory IM Co. Ltd. (Japan)
  • Also known as
    • Yabu no naka (Romaji)
  • GenresMystery, Horror, Fantasy
  • External Links
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