
Diary 2006

  • Released: October 26, 2006
  • Director: Oxide Pang Shun

Diary 2006

Winnie Leung becomes more disturbed and depressed after her boyfriend Seth Lau breaks up with her and she turns schizophrenic - imagining events which never occurred, and often living in her own world- until one day she meets a guy named Ray, bearing a close resemblance to Seth. Seeing this, her best friend Yvonne encourages her to go out with Hou so she can forget her misery and start over. As time passes, Winnie realises that the relationship with Ray is so alike her previous relationship with Seth, and when things seem to be running smoothly, the relationship begins to sours, just like with Seth. She begins to doubt his feelings and the lines between reality and fantasy start blurring again for her, leading her to question: did this all exist in the first place?


Movie Stats

  • Original Title妄想
  • Runtime85 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageCN
  • Budget$2,576,871
  • Revenue$749,981
  • Popularity0.991
  • Production Companies
    • Universe Entertainment Limited
  • Also known as
    • Mon seung (Cantonese Romanized pronunciation)
    • Дневник
  • GenresThriller, Horror
  • External Links

Keywords (2)

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