
After She WakesAfter She WakesAfter She WakesAfter She Wakes
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After She Wakes 2019

After She Wakes 2019

After tragic death of her baby son, a narcoleptic mother with young daughter suffers from terrifying sleep disruptions as they try to deal with ongoing pain and grief. They begin experiencing different episodes of parasomnia including night terrors and sleep paralysis, leaving them unable to move and only able to witness horrific visions. These nightmares become too disturbing as they create a rift in their own realities causing the mother to believe someone or something is watching her sleep every night. Soon the terrifying visions from their dreams begin to manifest into a sinister reality, leaving the mother vulnerable.

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleAfter She Wakes
  • Runtime78 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageEN
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity3.212
  • Production Companies
    • Gravitas Ventures (United States)
  • GenresHorror, Thriller
  • Release Dates (US)
    • December 13, 2019Digital
  • External Links

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