
The Phantom Killer 1981

The Phantom Killer 1981

Talented, young and handsome, Siu is a hero to the town folks and idol of the girls. Still, he has an avowed enemy, bad man Kam. Lately, several girls are murdered immediately after they met Siu. Sheriff Chiu is unable to find a lead but decides to trail Siu. Siu calls on his long time girlfriend Sien Sien but find her grieved by her sister's disappearance. Something untold does happen to Siu as he walks into an ambush set up by Kam. Chiu rushes to Siu's rescue and incidentally finds blood coming out from a porcelain statue. The statue turns out to be an enameled corpse...

Movie Stats

  • Original Title粉骷髅
  • Runtime90 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageCN
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.068
  • Production Companies
    • Orange Sky Golden Harvest (Hong Kong SAR China)
  • Also known as
    • Ku lou guai tan
  • GenresHorror, Mystery, Crime, Drama, Action
  • External Links
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