Kyôryû kaichô no densetsu (Alternate Romanization)
Les Monstres de la préhistoire
Giganten der Vorzeit
The "Legend of Dinosaurs" (Sandy Frank/King Features Entertainment television release title)
Legend of the Dinosaurs
Kyōryū, Kaichō no Densetsu (Romanized title)
恐竜・怪鳥の伝説 (Alternate Japanese title)
GenresScience Fiction, Horror
Release Dates (US)
October 12, 1977Theatrical
December 18, 2007Media Blasters/Tokyo Shock DVD. Includes subbed Japanese and international English dubbed audio by Frontier Enterprises. (Physical)
November 29, 2022Discotek Media Blu-ray. Includes new subtitle script for Japanese audio and international English dubbed audio by Frontier Enterprises. (Physical)
January 1, 1987Sandy Frank/King Features Entertainment release titled The "Legend of Dinosaurs". Uses international English export dub recorded by William Ross' Frontier Enterprises. (TV)