
Devil Hunter Yohko 5: Hell on Earth 1994

  • Released: January 1, 1994
  • Director: Junichi Sakata

Devil Hunter Yohko 5: Hell on Earth 1994

Madoka, Yohko's grandmother, senses the return of Tokima: the demon who from the time of the first devil hunter has been the enemy of the Mano family, is approaching. Tokima appears and possesses Ryuichi Asakura, a man who Yohko has a crush on. Tokima tricks Yohko and gets near the clock where Tokima is sealed, but is repelled by special talismans. The next day, Madoka ends up with her past youthful body! Tokima possesses Azusa who takes the clock. Yohko fights Azusa trying to stop her from destroying the clock. Yohko is tricked and "killed". The clock is destroyed and the demon's power released. Yohko is taken to the time of the very first Devil Hunter, Haruka Mano. The two go back into the future and fight against Tokima.
Devil Hunter Yohko

Part of the Devil Hunter Yohko

Movie Stats

  • Original Title魔物ハンター妖子5 光陰覇王の乱
  • Runtime35 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageJA
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.195
  • Production Companies
    • GenresAnimation, Horror, Action, Comedy
    • External Links
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