
Tapeworm 2009

Tapeworm 2009

Frank awakens one day to a frantic call from his associate, Sylvia. In finding that associate eviscerated on a riverbank, Frank begins investigating the murder. When his informants Charlie, Sam, and Jonathan have nothing to offer, Frank finds that he himself has become the new target of his associates' assassins. After being jumped in an alley and injected with a virus, Frank's body begins to transform. The closer Frank comes to the truth...the less there is left of Franks's physical being. Murder, Deception, and Robots...and that doesn't even begin to explain the truth. Franks learns that video is a virus and that what goes in shapes us.

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleTapeworm
  • Runtime115 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageEN
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.002
  • Production Companies
    • GenresScience Fiction, Horror
    • Release Dates (US)
      • January 1, 2009Physical
    • External Links
    Some movie data courtesy of tMDB
    Physical media data courtesy of