
Hear the Whisper of a Rose 1995

Hear the Whisper of a Rose 1995

The legendary Nogaike, where couples who have vowed to love each other are sure to be united forever. There, Shinji meets a beautiful guy named Junnosuke. Shinji becomes crazy about the mysterious Junnosuke. But Shinji already has a lover named Takashi. Takashi notices the situation and decides to look into Junnosuke, he found a surprising fact. Apparently Junnosuke is a spirit who had some regrets in the world and was unable to attain Buddhahood. This is because him and his lover were forced to seperate during his lifetime in the Meiji era. And that lover was Shinji's grandfather. Takashi wants to get rid of the ghost.

Movie Stats

  • Original Title薔薇の囁きを聞け
  • Runtime60 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageJA
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.823
  • Production Companies
    • ENK Promotion (Japan)
  • Also known as
    • Bara no sasayaki o kike (Romaji)
  • GenresRomance, Fantasy, Horror
  • External Links

Keywords (2)

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