
Warning From Hell 2022

Warning From Hell 2022

Lily, a young girl, is a live streamer who frequently relies on live streaming to attract followers and earn money. Although she is popular online, but her classmates bullied her in school. Unfortunately, she found out that her boyfriend is having an affair with her best friend, and her life is in disarray. She stole a cell phone from a neighbor one day, not realizing that a female ghost, Xiao Ya was inside the phone. After that, they accidentally met each other. With Xiao Ya's assistance, Lily's boyfriend got his comeuppance, the number of viewers of Lily’s live broadcast has increased. Lily was very happy and she decided to stay with Xiao Ya. It turns out that Xiao Ya wanted Lily to assist her in her revenge because she had been bullied throughout her life and died. Lily agreed to assist her until she discovers the final goal of Xiao Ya......

Movie Stats

  • Original Title手機見鬼
  • Runtime80 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageZH
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.963
  • Production Companies
    • Jazzy Pictures (Malaysia)
  • GenresHorror
  • External Links
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