
Undead Cemetery 2014

Undead Cemetery 2014

Eisuke Kasahara (47 years old), the director of surgery at Eiai University Hospital, is affectionate with his flashy wife Lisa (35 years old), who does not do housework for Roku, and asks a detective agency to investigate and discovers that Lisa is having an affair with her host. Eisuke tried to pressure Lisa for a divorce by confronting her with photographic evidence and an investigation report. However, on the contrary, Lisa confronts her with the results of an investigation that Eisuke is having an affair with Aki Nogami, a 24-year-old beautiful nurse. "I'm a generous wife, so I don't make a fuss about my husband's infidelity, and of course I don't want to divorce him. However, if you really want to break up, I'll get plenty of alimony," Eisuke, who was threatened by Lisa, unilaterally says goodbye to Aki and chooses the path of remarriage with Lisa. But from here, Eisuke's real shambles awaited...

Movie Stats

  • Original Titleアンデッド・セメタリー
  • Runtime72 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageJA
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.177
  • Production Companies
    • Also known as
      • 範田紗々の肉欲の昂揚が止まらない、ヤメられないエロナース (fanza)
    • GenresHorror
    • External Links

    Keywords (2)

    Some movie data courtesy of tMDB
    Physical media data courtesy of