
38 Days 2016

38 Days 2016

Then came the 38th day...

Reiko Nakamachi was kidnapped and confined by Masashi Jinbo, a police officer. Burning with a distorted sense of justice, Masashi puts an unusual plan into action. He plans to kidnap Yuki Kazama, who killed Reiko's older brother in an accident five years ago, and let her take revenge on herself. A perpetrator, a victim, and an insane rapist. Days filled with fear and lust slowly destroy the spirits of Reiko and Yuki.
The Days Collection

Part of the The Days Collection

Movie Stats

  • Original Title38DAYS
  • Runtime106 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageJA
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity2.054
  • Production Companies
    • Albatross (Japan)
  • GenresHorror, Thriller
Some movie data courtesy of tMDB
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