
The Clown

The Clown

It was through the Devil's life that death entered the world.

From 1996 until today, 33 violent murders are perpetrated during the Halloween period in Belgium by a serial killer who calls himself "the clown". We are on the eve of Halloween. Vincent hates this party and for good reason: his father committed suicide during this period. That morning, he receives a call from his friend Alice to babysit her cats because she has to be away for a few days. On the way, he realizes that he is being chased by a strange, masked man. Very quickly, he realizes that this stranger covered in a clown mask is prowling around Alice's place, determined to enter.

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleLe Clown
  • Runtime74 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageFR
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.001
  • Production Companies
    • Oliar Films
  • GenresHorror, Thriller, Action
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