
Turn-of-the-Century Surgery 1900

  • Released: January 1, 1900
  • Director: Alice Guy-Blaché

Turn-of-the-Century Surgery 1900

George Mélies made a version of this a few years later, often titled Une Indigestion, but Guy-Blaché’s earlier film Chirurgie Fin de Siecle (1900) is more widely available. And it’s not one to watch the night before an operation. In this clinic, a sign pleads “On est prie de ne pas crier/Please do not cry”, and the doctors set about the patient with saws, cheerily hacking off limbs, and then slopping them into a bucket, all the while arguing ferociously with each other. They then reattach arms and legs from a bucket of “exchange pieces” (using glue) before re-animating their victim, I mean patient, with bellows. (from


Movie Stats

  • Original TitleChirurgie fin de siècle
  • Runtime2 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageFR
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity1.583
  • Production Companies
    • Gaumont (France)
  • Also known as
    • Chirurgie na konci století (festival title)
  • GenresScience Fiction, Horror, Comedy
  • External Links

Keywords (3)

Some movie data courtesy of tMDB
Physical media data courtesy of