
Kaibyō Koi-ga-fuchi 1987

Kaibyō Koi-ga-fuchi 1987

The sisters lived near a pond called Koigafuchi, near Edo, and kept a father-and-son cat named Tama and Kaze. The elder sister, Oichi, was discovered by a samurai named Kazuma who rescued her when she had fallen ill, and she was sent to serve him at his mansion in Edo, but this was the beginning of her misfortune.

Movie Stats

  • Original Title怪猫恋ヶ淵
  • Runtime90 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageJA
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.005
  • Production Companies
    • Also known as
      • 怪猫恋ヶ淵 闇に光る無数の猫の目! 美人姉妹の恨みをはらす母娘猫
    • GenresTV Movie, Horror, Drama
    Some movie data courtesy of tMDB
    Physical media data courtesy of