
The Cursed Plate: Dish Mansion at Hell's BanchōThe Cursed Plate: Dish Mansion at Hell's Banchō

The Cursed Plate: Dish Mansion at Hell's Banchō 1981

The Cursed Plate: Dish Mansion at Hell's Banchō 1981

Strange events plague the Aoyama family's residence, led by samurai Aoyama Harima. Three months earlier, Harima was asked to show a family heirloom, a red Goryeo dish, to his uncle and a senior official. The dish was found broken, and Harima's attendant, Okiku, was blamed and punished. After Okiku's death, Harima, tormented by guilt, contemplates suicide but is stopped by another attendant, Oyuki. The dish must be presented to an imperial envoy, and mysterious deaths among the servants suggest supernatural involvement. As Harima seeks the truth behind the tragic events, he must confront vengeful spirits and uncover the mystery with Okiku's restless spirit aiding him in this tale of love, intrigue, and revenge.

Movie Stats

  • Original Title魔界番町皿屋敷
  • Runtime91 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageJA
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.217
  • Production Companies
    • Toei Japan
    • FNN TV
  • Also known as
    • Kessaku Kaidan Shirizu - Makai Bancho Sarayashiki
    • 傑作怪談シリーズ 魔界番町皿屋敷 (full title)
    • Makai Bancho Sarayashiki (romaji)
    • Masterpiece Ghost Story Series: Makai Bancho Sarayashiki
  • GenresHorror, TV Movie
  • External Links
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