
Chain Letter 1989

Chain Letter 1989

The Messenger of Death has an interesting way of getting victims. His assistant, Miss Smith, would write a letter where recipients would be told to pass it along. The person that failed in doing so would meet misfortune (mostly death). The Messenger of Death and Miss Smith would watch the person that broke the chain on a television monitor. After the victim's demise, The Messenger of Death would go back to his desk, and say to his assistant, "Take a letter, Miss Smith".

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleChain Letter
  • Runtime60 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageEN
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.56
  • Production Companies
    • IndieProd Company Productions (United States)
    • Phoenix Entertainment Group (PEG)
  • GenresTV Movie, Horror
  • Release Dates (US)
    • August 5, 1989TV
  • External Links
Some movie data courtesy of tMDB
Physical media data courtesy of