
Binhi: The Seed 2015

Binhi: The Seed 2015

Daniel and Cynthia, a young couple with a child on the way, experience some hard times in Manila. They head back to Baguio, where Daniel is originally from, to start over again. Through the kindness of Alex, Daniel's well-to-do childhood friend, they get to stay in a large house, rent-free; and he gets a job offer as well. Everything seems to be falling into place for them - or so they think - until strange things start to happen in their house.

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleBinhi: The Seed
  • Runtime90 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageTL
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.18
  • Production Companies
    • Viva Films (Philippines)
    • BlackOps Studios Asia (Philippines)
  • Also known as
    • Binhi (shortened)
  • GenresHorror
  • External Links

Keywords (3)

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