
Trees 2000

Trees 2000

Its bite is worse than its bark!

All's quiet in the small Vermont town of Hazelville as Memorial Day approaches until a string of mysterious deaths begin plaguing forest ranger Mark Cody. As hikers and campers turn up dead, Cody struggles to figure out what's behind the murders while the Mayor looks to keep the deaths hush-hush, afraid it will affect tourism on the town's biggest money-making day of the year. Botanist Max Cooper arrives and determines them to have been victims of the dreaded "Great White Pine." After the Mayor refuses to close the woods and tragedy ensues on Memorial Day, Cody hires grizzled lumberjack Squint to hunt down and kill the voracious tree leading to Cody, Cooper, and Squint venturing out into the woods in Squint's old beat-up pick-up truck for a final showdown with the monster tree.

Movie Stats

  • Original TitleTrees
  • Runtime147 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageEN
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.301
  • Production Companies
    • Brain Damage Films (United States)
  • GenresHorror, Comedy
  • Release Dates (US)
    • September 11, 2000Theatrical
  • External Links
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