
Go Nagai's Scary Zone 2: Senki 1990

Go Nagai's Scary Zone 2: Senki 1990

Nagai Go no Kowai Zone 2: Senki is a Japanese direct-to-video horror film released in 1990 by the Bandai Media Division. It's the sequel of the film Nagai Go no Kowai Zone: Kaiki and just like the first film, it was also directed Go Nagai and Hikari Hayakawa. It contains two stories, "Vampire Hunting" and "Concrete Avenger".

Movie Stats

  • Original Title永井豪のこわいゾーン2 戦鬼
  • Runtime50 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageJA
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.227
  • Production Companies
    • Bandai Visual (Japan)
  • Also known as
    • Nagai Go no Kowai Zone: Senki
  • GenresHorror

Keywords (2)

Some movie data courtesy of tMDB
Physical media data courtesy of