
Hantu Aborsi 2008

  • Released: August 21, 2008
  • Director: Toto Hoedi

Hantu Aborsi 2008

Since moving to this new house, Caca is often heard laughing and talking in her room that she occupies alone. Caca tells her parents, Devi and Handy, that there is another girl, Cinta, playing in the room every afternoon at the time of “maghrib” (Muslim prayer time at 6 pm). Caca’s parents at first believe that the girl is just her imaginary friend. But after a while Devi believes her when she starts to experience scary occurrences around sunset.


Movie Stats

  • Original TitleHantu Aborsi
  • Runtime80 min
  • StatusReleased
  • Original LanguageID
  • Budget--
  • Revenue--
  • Popularity0.021
  • Production Companies
    • Indika Entertainment (Indonesia)
  • GenresHorror
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